That's the way it seems to be isn't it? Always something...I think that having lived in America for the past 6 years, I had gotten used to things happening the way that they should. Here the better assumption is that there will always be something. Let me explain a little.
One of the first things we did when we got to Sunyani was to get sim cards for our phones. It turned out that Steve's phone didn't work and my sim card didn't work, and our internet modem needed some help. Of course hindsight is always clearer, but it took us up until a week ago, to get that all smoothed out. Soon after we got our internet to work (choruses of Hallelujah!) the power cord to our computer burned up. Working internet, no working computer. I'm sure you're beginning to see where this is all going. Always something isn't it?!
We have decided it takes a lot more prayer to live here because there is always something. Right now our prayers are focused on having the man who has put his belongings in the house we have rented get them out. Easy, right? Wrong...if we just threw his stuff out he could have us arrested for "missing" items, etc... Don't worry though, there are things we can do, it just takes time...
Back to that prayer aspect, prayer becomes more of a necessity for daily life. Not just prayer for the big things in life, the difficulties, but prayer for the little things and seemingly insignificant. In some bizarre way I am thankful for it. Thankful that i must seek God's care and provision for the daily matters that most of us take little thought. I am thankful for the opportunities for God to be a part of every part of my life. Isn't that what He wants? To be integrated into every part of our lives? I think so.
So whether I come home to a turned off fridge with defrosted meat that all needs to get cooked up right now or the mason who is supposed to attach our gate to the wall consistently doesn't show up or the president is in town and has blocked the only route into town from where we live for the inauguration of a university, there's always something. I choose to thank God anyway.
This blog is kind of like the Christmas letters we get. It helps to keep the ones that matter to us updated as to what is going on with our family. It will at times include my ramblings and thoughts about different things. I wish to write in such a way that makes it seem as if i were right there telling you. I wish to share what happens in our lives and what is going on around as well. I hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, November 18, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Our first two weeks
Hello! So, today is the first day that we have actual internet. So of course, i am on here to blog. Where should I start?
Our flight
This was Indie's first time of ever flying and she did very well. the pressure changes affected her ears, but other than that she was a trooper! She didn't like how loud the bathroom was either, but who does?! We made it to London in good time and were able to chill in the airport for about 3 hours. Our flight to Accra was very uneventful and smooth. the most amazing part was that ALL of our luggage made it with us intact! we looked like a mini train going out of the airport with all of our luggage carts :-)
Our first few days
We spent the first two days in Kumasi with the Hostetters. it was a very nice peaceful place to adjust to the new time zone and overcome some jetlag. Since we arrived in Kumasi on a Thursday, that meant that our first Friday in Ghana was spent at the Hostetters and anyone who has ever been here knows that Friday night is family night! So we were treated to Sherrie's homemade pizza and minerals (or pop as we would call it in the U.S.). Jeff also did his best to wear my boys out :-) He took us all to the zoo and then took my boys on a nature hike.
Back in Sunyani
On saturday we headed up to Sunyani. the hostetters very graciously let us use their van to take all 30 (yes, 30!) pieces of baggage here. It was getting late into the afternoon by the time we got here, and we had to wrangle up some beds for the night. Getting that done, we very happily took cold (not really that cold here) showers and went to bed. The last week and a half has been getting things that we need. things like a two burner stove top or cooker as they call here, an electric kettle (to heat water for bucket baths and sink water), outlet adapters for all our gizmos, food, silverware, buckets (lots of them, as I have been finding uses for them for so many different things), brighter light bulbs, and FANS. the biggest addition has been a washing machine which only the next few days will tell if that was a wise investment. we bought a used one, but it seriously takes forever (several hours to do just one load). i'm wondering if that is how and why it came to be here in Ghana. so we will probably have someone come look at that or bite the bullet and find a new one in kumasi. i have been doing laundry by hand. it takes a couple of hours and it is some serious hard work. the nice thing about handwashing though is that the clothes seem bigger and you feel smaller when you put the things on. :-) All that wringing and then clothesline drying makes for stretchier clothing! Ha!
We are still trying to settle in a bit, find a groove, and work it! The kids have been in school, which i hope is helping them adjust and get into a routine. they love their friends here already. they are constantly asking me if they can go play. The Boateng kids live right next door. Each one of my kids has a matching boateng kid they can play with. :-) Of course they are a bit homesick, as to be expected. Indie has asked me "When will I not be sweaty?" hmmm, right after your bath and while sitting under the ceiling fan, wasn't what she had in mind. Jachin finds the learning center "distracting" because nothing here is as quiet as it was in Mr. Ashley's learning center. :-) Corban has done very well surprisingly. He quickly became reacquainted with the boateng boys, talks to the men in the gym in the evenings, and is all around friendly, though he does miss his friends back in Montana and Oklahoma. Montana is doing well, jumping right back into things and being about as much of Nancy's shadow as she can be. I am working on getting things organized, figuring things out, and getting things into a routine so that I can be working in school as soon as possible.
Since we have internet, my kids would like to skype and "see" some of their friends again. So if you are on skype, please let me know what your skype name is so we can connect. Or you can find me at jenn.icenogle. We would love to visit with you even for just a little bit. We are (up until the time change that happens and then just add another hour) 4 hours ahead of eastern time, 5 hours ahead of central time, and 6 hours ahead of mountain time.
So I know this has been a bit long, hopefully you've beared with me until the end. :-) We do love and miss you all. May God be glorified in all that we do!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
First post
So, here i am at the beginning of my blogging. Mmmmm wonder where this wil take me. i have finally finished packing. ok, mostly. still have the clothes we're wearing and the ones in the clothes baske, and my pillow. but other that. it's all packed! including two kettle bells , 4 our carryons! did you know that british airways allows you to take 50 lbs in your carryon?! that could be tricky to get that much weight in such a small piece of luggage, but never fear...2 kettlebells, 4 dumbells, and a cast iron skillet have totally helped!!! LOL!!! steve is going to get a workout just getting us situated on the plane! this is going to take me a little bit to figure this whole thing out, so please bear with me as i getthis up and running. and next time i'll use the key board for the tablet.:-)
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